Sunday, April 1, 2007


This is yet another image from the Foley gallery, by LAURA WULF. The image is composed of three sets of orange squares mixed with blue squares, each set on loose white threads on a green rectangular background. In the first set the orange square is first while the blue is second. In the second set the blue square is first and the orange second. The third set is the same as the first. The positioning and size of the items is not symetrical, they are kind of just cut and placed on the background. This image represents change and diversity, most likely pertaining to todays ever changing society. The squares are all cut to similar but different shapes and sizes, like people. The squares are mis matched in the pattern and mixed together for diversity and the loose strands represent life and our paths. Diversity must be taught so that our generations can prosper, this is what this image is "selling" to the reader.

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